It all started so good—“very good” (Gen. 1:31). But Satan was determined to turn the garden into a graveyard. Man was created to live in fellowship with his Creator. God desired that man live in constant communion with Him. Doing so would bring perfect peace and abundant joy, such as could not be found in any other source. But sin changed all that, depriving man of what God intended.
Since sin entered the world life is a constant struggle-everything is now difficult. Nothing comes easy anymore. Even the food we eat must be earned by the sweat- of- our brow. We live in a wicked world and we are weak. Instead of subduing the earth we find ourselves being brought into submission to it. That is not what God intended. So now, in our natural state, we are forced to live a life that is “of few days and full of trouble”(Job 14:1). And our prospect for the future is even worse. As sinners we face an eternity of separation from God. That’s the bad news!
The good news is that Jesus came to change all that. He came to redeem man and restore him to fellowship with God. To do this He had to suffer and die in our place. O, how amazing it is that He, who is without sin, would be made sin for us, “that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” (2 Cor. 5:21). That sounds too good to be true-but it is true! The proof that God is able and willing to do this is found in the resurrection of Christ. The fact that He lives sweeps away all doubt for those who trust him. They have a hope that goes beyond the grave!
The world, however, is always trying to pull us down and bury our hopes and dreams and joy beneath a deluge of difficulties. That’s exactly where some of you are at this very moment. Your joy is buried under an avalanche of adversities, and you feel you will never laugh again. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Jesus came to raise our hopes and His resurrection proves He can. Because He was raised from the dead, He can raise you up out of the ash-heap of sin and restore you to fellowship with God. Why would anyone not trust a God like that? ———HDS 4/12/09