Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficent unto the day is the evil thereof. –Matthew 6:34
It doesn’t matter if you’re asleep or wide awake, there are two thieves that often try to creep into your heart and mind to rob you of your peace and joy. They are known as “yesterday” and “tomorrow.” Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow because He knew we would have more than enough to handle today. He doesn’t want you to dwell on past mistakes or tomorrow’s potential difficulties. Even though this seems to be a simple concept, most people have difficulty in grasping it.
Before you know it, they suddenly catch a bad case of the “what ifs.” What if I can’t pay my bills next month? Where is my next meal going to come from? What if the medicine and treatments don’t work? It can be maddening to those who are overwhelmed by the “what if” syndrome, commonly known as worry. But this only covers the thief named “tomorrow.”
“Yesterday” is a completely different kind of bandit. People find themselves engulfed with the regrets of yesterday. We must realize everyone makes mistakes for “every man shall bear his own burden” (Galatians 6:5)-big, small, medium-sized-they are all sin in the eyes of God. He doesn’t judge you any more or less, because Christ’s blood covered all sins equally.
Everyone has his load of difficulties in life stemming from yesterday, actively working today, or building for tomorrow’s explosion. But, as believers we must understand that the only way to free ourselves of worry and experience true peace is to have faith that God will work everything out in His time. Consider Him your heart’s anti-theft system-He cleanses past mistakes and has every detail carefully planned out for your future.
Ask the Lord to help you focus on today and serving Him at this very moment, rather than worrying about your past or future. (From Senior Living, Scripture references changed to KJV)