Note:: This is the latest post on the Pastor’s Blog. For others go to our website.
Just like people, every church is different, and in some regards that is just fine. However, there are certain things that should characterize every church. There are certain doctrines that must be believed. These truths are set forth in what is commonly called the “Articles of Faith”– a description of things believed regarding major doctrines.
The problem is that many people have never studied these doctrines. Even worse is that some preachers have never taught them. And they see no need in doing so. That leads to serious problems –problems that are very obvious to the close observer. For example, they sing “It’s all about you Jesus”, when in reality it’s all about them. They are more interested in their feelings than they are in the fundamentals of the faith. The songs they sing are selected on the basis of how it excites them emotionally, rather than what they say about the person and work of Christ. Some are admittedly bored with the grand old hymns of yesteryear. The “preaching” they enjoy is not that where the Word of God is faithfully expounded. They want to be entertained, not enlightened. Even when the Bible is mentioned they pay no mind as to what version is used. They have no idea why one version is better than another– and they don’t care. Their concern is not for what is right or best, but for what is most pleasing to them. While they won’t admit it, everything else is secondary to that.
Even those who are involved in “Christian service” or church related activities are not exempt. They will do a lot of good things if it gains them pleasure or popularity. They love the limelight and will do almost anything to get attention. They give no consideration to why they do what they do other than that. But, motives matter to God. Some people will travel around the world and even subject themselves to hardships to get what they crave, yet they never lift a finger to help a neighbor in need. Some teach Sunday School because they love to teach, not because they love those they teach. Motive matters. If your motive is wrong all you do is wrong. If it’s not for the glory of God and the good of others you’re doing it for the wrong reason.
Most of all, truth matters! Having a good motive and being sincere is not enough. We need to know the truth, love the truth, and obey the truth. It is the truth of God’s Word by which we all shall be judged. I realize that this brief message is not going to change everyone who reads it, nor wake up every liberal preacher, nor shut down every cult that is called a church. I simply pray that that it will provide some food for thought and encourage someone, anyone, to set out in pursuit of the truth. The Bible is the only sure guide and only true churches can be said to be “the pillar and ground of the truth”(1 Tim. 3:15). Only true churches are endowed with authority and endued with the power of God’s Spirit to carry out God’s plan. Don’t be deceived by imitations. Counterfeits might look good, but they will get you in trouble. It’s the truth. Think about it! – HDS (11-20-13)
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346