Character counts, and it is crucial for Christians. It must be considered by anyone who desires to be like Christ. Good character may be defined as Christ likeness. Only when the qualities found in Christ can be seen in us can we be of good character. Character is what we really are. Reputation is what others think you are. Character is what God knows you are! Someone said,”character is what we are in the dark, what we are when others aren’t looking”. Sadly that’s not always a pretty picture.
Ruskin spoke about a famous Italian cathedral where several colossal figures stood high up among heavy timbers which supported the roof. From below the statues appear beautiful, so much so that Ruskin determined to examine them up close. One day he climbed the roof to get a good look. But as he stood near them he was disappointed when he discovered that only the part of the statue that could be seen from below was finally finished. The other side was rough and unfinished. That serves as an example of how it is with man. They look good on the outside, but are corrupt within. Sadly most people are more concerned about their reputation than they are about their character , therefore they placed a greater emphasis on what they do, what can be seen by others, than they do about what they actually are.
Man looks on the outward appearance, but God sees what is in our heart. As Christians He ought to see such things as truth, love, purity, etc., the characteristics of godly character. If these are missing our life is lacking the things that make for a life well lived. – HDS
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
Humble, TX