Let’s face it, there are some frustrated folks who launch, or limp, into their day with more to do than they can possibly get done. My hat’s off to those single parents who have to get the kids up, get them ready for school, rush to work, make sure the kids get to the dentist and doctor, attend the extracurricular activities, prepare meals, clean up, attend church, etc. Of course single parents aren’t the only ones under pressure, but they clearly must be near the top of the list.
And then they read Morning Manna, amid all the mania, about spending time alone with God– praying and reading their Bible. Now they are on a guilt trip because they know they are failing! Maybe they really meant “Morning Mania” and it’s a pun to blame me for it! Now, they wouldn’t do that–or would they? Can’t say I would blame them. But, believe it or not, I’m on your side. I am very much aware of the fact that we live in such a rush- rush world that people can’t find the time and energy to do everything. I know when I recommend that ” everybody ought to read ___” it is like kicking a person when they’re down . And about now some of you are probably wondering “Why in the world am I wasting my time reading this? I’ve got things to do”. Well, so much for the “meditation” quip I was about to make! By the way, did you forget that you’ve got an appointment this afternoon and company coming tonight? Just thought you might appreciate the reminder.
I started to say “All joking aside”, but it dawned on me — this is no joke. This is life and it’s tough. However, I’m not going to back off when it comes to telling you to please make time to get alone with God every day. Do whatever you’ve got to do to do it. It just might be that you could lessen the mania by spending more time feeding on the manna of God’s Word. Think about it! – HDS
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346