This is just another day for most folks and I understand that. Today will be difficult or delightful for different people in different places. But for me it is and always will be one of the most special days in my life.
Today is Bev’s birthday. While that was just another day until we started dating as teenagers in the 50’s, this is the first time I’m not able to give her a gift. As I write this she is enjoying a gift I could never give her – the gift of eternal life with Christ. What she could only imagine while here on earth is a reality for her now. This is her happiest birthday ever!
Now I look back and think of this day as her gift to me. Unknown to both of us, the day she was born God knew that, in spite of my sinfulness, she would one day become my wife. He also knew that next to my salvation she would be the greatest gift I would ever receive.
Now, like everyone else who has a loved one in heaven, I’m hoping that God will allow her to know how I feel about her. This day will always remind me that I wish I had done more to show her how mush I love her.
But mainly I want this to be a day of thanksgiving to God for such a special gift. Every time I start feeling sorry for myself I remember that we were married just two months shy of 65 years. Then my grief turns to gratitude. I don’t have the words to explain how special Bev is to me. I say “is” rather than “was” because although she isn’t here the influence of her life still affects me for good.
I pray that someone reading this will be encouraged to follow her example and become to someone else what she was to me. I agree with what one of our church members wrote,”Sister Beverly was the perfect example of a Godly woman.”
Bev and I always parted with a kiss and saying “I love you”, and then blowing each other a kiss. But I wasn’t there when she departed for heaven. I would have been had I known, but God didn’t give me that information. He knew I didn’t need to know. All I will say at this time is this, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven “. So I live each day reminding myself that God’s people never meet for the last time. I will see her again!