Note: This is the latest post on the Pastor’s blog. For others go to our website.
We hear a lot today about the past generations of Christians being too somber and how church should be more fun and exciting. But, here’s a thought— perhaps the previous generation had a greater hatred of sin and a greater love of holiness! Could it be that they wept more about their failures rather than laughing out of fun. Could it be that the preachers in the past denounced sin in such a way that it made sinners miserable, rather than entertaining people as the modern preachers do? Have you ever thought about that? Just asking–after all if you are going to condemn those who did so much for the cause of Christ shouldn’t there be some scriptural justification for your charges? By the way, you might also consider that those from “the greatest generation” were not raised in the lap of luxury as was this generation. Going through the Great Depression and WW ll, etc.tends to make you think differently.
Considering the sad sinful condition of the average church today it seems to me that, until confession is made, tears would be more appropriate than cheers. Only repentance will bring the kind of rejoicing that is appropriate. Those who refuse to repent have no right to rejoice. And I see little evidence of repentance today. Were we as sensitivity to sin as we should be there would be a lot more weeping and a lot less laughing. Tossing out the hymns, stepping up the beat, pumping up the volume, using strobe lights, and shouting the rafters down doesn’t mean you’ve had a good worship service. What you might refer to as a dead, dull, boring service just might actually be far more spiritual than anything you’ve ever experienced— you just failed to recognize it as such. Catering to the flesh and stirring up the emotions might make you feel good, but that doesn’t mean God is pleased. I suspect not many church folks today would have enjoyed services with the persecuted saints in the catacombs, but I have no doubt about which generation was the most dedicated to God. They turned their world upside down for Christ. What have you done! So, criticizing a church for being dull and boring just might be an indictment against you rather than a fault with them. Think about it!- HDS, 6-12-14
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346