We all know what’s going on in Israel and, as Christians, we are aware of the fact that we are living in the last days – the troublesome times before Christ comes to receive His people. However, based on their attitude and actions, most believe that it is far down the road, rather than at the door.
While we know about the war in Israel, we don’t seem to understand how bad things could get overnight. People don’t realize World War III could start in a second with the push of a button. And America isn’t off limits to an all out invasion. A world wide blood bath is possible at any time. Morally corrupt insane leaders are in possession of nuclear weapons and God alone knows what they will do.
Yet most folks are doing business as usual. There is no sense of urgency with most people. Some might ask, “What am I suppose to do?”. The answer is- What you should be doing all the time”. We should be praying, witnessing to others, living righteously, and faithfully serving God in every way.
Every Christian should be praying for Israel, all the time not just during a crisis. For unbelievers everyday day is a crisis. While we know that eventually Israel will turn to Christ think of all those who will die without Him before that time comes.
The war in Israel is another example of man’s depravity. The horrible atrocities we see on the news reminds us that there is no limit to what sinful man will do. We’ve seen it throughout history and it grows worse and worse with the passing of time. And Christ is the only remedy.
Man’s puny efforts are in vain. He does what he does because of who he is – a sinner. And reformation can’t remove the problem. What he needs is regeneration. As Jesus said, “Ye must be nor again”. Think about it! – HDS
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
Humble, Tx