Sadly, rather than making it right, some make matters worse. They failed and they admit it, but Satan, the accuser, drags them down all the more. Consequently they become distraught and discouraged- overwhelmed by the feeling that they are a failure and will never be able to live as they should. Rather than going on they just settle down in the rut, living as a spectator rather than a servant. Rather than getting back in the race and going the extra mile they watch from the sidelines. They feel they would just fail again so they make no effort press on.
If you are in that group you need to remember this- you are not a failure just because you failed. We all fail. But you are not a failure until you quit learning from failures, give up, and stop striving to succeed. So rather than giving up, you need to give in – give in to God’s will and depend upon His power to enable you. Although you have failed miserably you can make it right and go on to live a highly productive life. Peter is a good example of that.
Although we fail to keep our resolutions we can nevertheless repent and be restored to fellowship with God. Don’t focus on your failure. Focus on your future by thinking about the person you could become by the grace of God. When you do that you will discover that God can still use you. An old song says, “It pays to serve Jesus”, and indeed it does. So, instead of giving up – give in to God by surrendering your all to Him. If we are truly serious about our resolutions we won’t quit just because we failed. Go ahead and take the bold step of making a resolution and then ask God to help you overcome all that comes against you.
It’s my prayer that a year from now you will be able to look back and rejoice because God has enabled you to keep your resolution to the praise of His glory. Think about it! – HDS
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
Humble, Tx.