“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes–“–Revelation 21:4 “Human hands are poor at removing tears. If they succeed one time, other tears will come that they cannot wipe away. Only the hand that made the spirit can reach the deep sources of its sorrow or dry up the streams that issue from them. God’s handkerchief is embroidered with love and tender sympathy, and it is the pierced hand of Jesus that puts it to the eyes of the weeping ones. He will dry every tear; tears of misfortune and poverty, tears of bereaved affection, tears of doubt and discouragement, tears of pain, tears of neglect, tears of yearning for what cannot be ours now. Yes, each tear will be fully wiped away by Him who knows our every sorrow.”(Dr. Howard Ferrin) Is that not a glorious thought! And it is true. That ought to encourage you as you are forced to face the struggles of life. Your present situation might seem impossible, unending, and unbearable, but it isn’t. Jesus knows, He cares, and He can help. His promise is true–tears will not last forever, “–weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”(Psalm 30:5). Hang on and never give up hope!