In this self-centered age when so many are confused about what is truly important in life, we need to be reminded why we are here on earth. I can assure you that it isn’t for fleshly gratification. God gives us the reason for our being in Isaiah 43:7,”—-I have created him for my glory—.” But what does that mean? How do we put that into shoe leather and live it out? Although volumes could be written on this subject, Pastor James MacDonald sums it up wonderfully: “God made us so that we could reflect His glory back to Him. Glory is to God what wet is to water, as heat is to fire, as light is to bulb. Glory is what emanates from God. Although we can’t see God (1 John 4:12), we can see His glory in creation and in His people when they model His holiness. Glory is the evidence that God is present. God’s purpose in your life is to bring glory to or display Himself. In fact, He wants to do it even in the most mundane things that you do.’ Whether—you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God’ says 1 Corinthians 10:31. In commanding us to glorify Him, God invites us to leave His fingerprints on everything we touch.” Now you know why you are here—there is no question about that! The only question that remains is, What will you do?