” Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.”( 2 Cor. 4:9)
Doubts and fears often leave us confused. That’s when we need to turn to God’s Word for reassurance. We must be guided by the facts, rather than our feelings. There are times when we might lose our sense of God’s love, but we can never lose the reality of it. We have blessed assurance that nothing “shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”(Rom.8:39). That glorious fact should cheer up the most troubled heart.
When we find ourself in the furance of affliction we must remember that God’s design is only to remove the dross, making us pure. His great love does not allow Him to do anything that is unjust or harmful to His children. God is never guilty of child abuse or neglect! Although we might forsake Him, He never forsakes us.That gives us hope in the most trying times of life. When we are cast down, and the enemy has his foot on our neck–ready to strike the fatal blow, we can rest assured that the love and power of God will protect us. He will take the worst thing that can happen to us and use it “for good“(Romans 8:28), if we but trust Him.