“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”–Ephesians 5:16 An article in “Senior Living” presented this scenario:
” Imagine if you were to check your bank account one morning only to find a direct deposit for $86,400. And it goes on for weeks!
Each morning you find a new deposit for this amount…but soon realize that your balance is not carried over to the next day. Instead, it is deleted each evening and the next morning you begin again with a new balance of $86,400.
What would you do when you finally realized your account balance would be deleted each evening if you didn’t use it all that day? Of course…you’d withdraw the balance left over each day!
You and I have such a bank account called time. Each day we are credited with 86,400 seconds. And every night that which we have not used is deleted from our account. However, our time accounts do not allow overdrafts, loans, or savings options.
We must invest our time wisely in this life.”
Good point! My cell phone plan has what they call “Roll-over minutes”, where my unused minutes are carried over to the next month, but life isn’t like that. There are no roll-over minutes in life. You use it or you lose it. You can’t add a second to the time you’ve been alloted for today. That should motivate us to use our time wisely. Don’t misunderstand—I’m not a time management nut. I believe you can use time wisely by taking a nap or by playing catch with your kid, etc. But, you have to admit we do waste a lot of time on things that are frivolous–silly stuff that doesn’t really matter. Our time is short. We should make every minute count. We should determine to use our time in the best way we can for God’s glory and the good of others.
“Live as though every day were your last–and someday you will be right.”