“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil-“– Isaiah 5:20
Do you not find it strange how we change the name of something, or legalize it, or get the majority in favor of it, and suddenly it is suppose to be okay? Does that make sense? Too what extent do you take that? Go ahead, let your imagination run wild—picture the possibilities! Does “anything go” as long as it meets this criteria? Are you the one who decides what is right and wrong? If so, how did you get that position? What are your qualifications? Shall every man do what is right in his own eyes? Yet this is exactly where we find ourselves today.
Do you not see the hypocrisy of this? Some of the same people who turn to the Bible to find comfort when they’re troubled, refuse to obey it when it comes to it regulating the manner in which they live. They even pray to God and ask for help when they are in need, but they refuse to listen when He speaks. In other words, they want to use God when it’s convenient, but they have no use for Him when He interferes with the way they want to live. It is as though they think themselves to be wiser than God.
This is not only hypocritical, it is harmful. If the Bible is true, and it is, rebellion against it results in ruin. We reap what we sow—and more. At this very moment some of you are suffering the consequences of your sin–yet you continue to deny it, and even defend the very sin that is destroying you. Does that make sense? Some of you are miserable because your sin has not brought the pleasure you hoped for, yet you continue on the same path. Why?
You will never experience the peace and joy you long for until you confess and repent of your sin. Changing the name, making it legal, and promoting it until it’s popular doesn’t change the fact that it is sin. And the wages of sin is death.Call it whatever you will, changing its name doesn’t change its nature. Calling evil good doesn’t make it good. And thinking you will escape sin’s consequences does not mean you will. You can make yourself believe anything, but you can never make evil good by calling it good. It’s a fool’s game and you always lose. Sin is like a boat anchor tied around your neck—you can go through all the motions of swimming and try with all your might, but it will eventually pull you down to your destruction.
God has given us His infallible Word and righteous standards to live by that are for our own good. If you aren’t going to follow the Bible what will you use to guide your actions? Your own judgment? The advice of others? How’s that been working for you? Don’t you think it is time to give up your foolish notions and listen to God? He has never misled anyone and He won’t fail you. His will is right, best and safest. Think about it!- HDS
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346