“—not as I will, but as thou wilt.” Matthew 26:39
Just about everyone would say that they want to live a successful life, but few are successful! What is success? It is doing the will of God, nothing less and nothing more. If you have any other purpose, aim, goal, or ambition as the main thing in life it is wrong. It’s not just wrong but wicked also. We have no right to do only as we please–unless what we please pleases God.
The truest test of one’s life is character. Reputation is one thing, character is another. Although we should be some what concerned about what others think about us it is God’s opinion that matters the most. With Him it is character that counts the most. It also what causes us do the things we do. That’s why we often hear it said, “Being is more important than doing”. It can also be said that a man of noble character will prize God’s will above all else. He is pleased by what pleases God.
It is only as we do the will of God that we are able to please God and, as strange as it might seem, that’s the only way to please self. Man was created to live in communion with God, in harmony with His will, and only in doing so can he find true fulfillment and complete satisfaction. To prize and pursue anything else as our reason for being is foolish. It is like a child chasing a soap bubble—it disappears the moment he grasps it. Such an endeavor is a waste of time and energy.
He who makes the pursuit of pleasure, power, position, popularity, or possessions his sole aim in living will never achieve true success–he misses the target every time. In their place these things might be fine, but they are never “in their place” when they are in first place. They can never be any better than of secondary importance. Only the will of God should be given top priority.
A life well lived is one which submits cheerfully to the will of God, seeks mainly the glory of God, and serves faithfully according to the dictates of God. Anything less is not enough. The true success has for his purpose, pursuit, pleasure, and prayer the will of God. He does it regardless of cost, conditions, circumstances, or consequences. So, how successful are you?-HDS, 3-18-12
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346