“Is thy Counsellor perished?” Micah 4:9
The attitude of some folks toward Christ is shocking. As I’ve often said, sometimes they act as though God is weak, mighty sick, dead, or unconcerned about their problems. Or it might be that they are too proud to admit that they need help, or too ignorant to see that they are in need of counsel. Way back about 1840 James Smith wrote the following regarding our text.
“The Lord’s people need counsel, and Jesus is given to them as a COUNSELLOR. He is exactly suited to their needs, being possessed of infinite wisdom, unbounded benevolence, great experience, and high honour. He never lost a cause. He counsels freely, cheerfully, and successfully. He turns the counsel of all our foes into foolishness. But though we have this Wonderful Counsellor, we neglect to consult, employ or trust Him; and it may often be demanded of us, Is thy Counsellor perished? If not, why this perplexity? Why these mistakes? Why those fears and groans, and forebodings? Why this running to creatures for advice and succour? Beloved, let us stand reproved; we have walked in our own counsels, we have not waited for His counsel, we have neglected and forgotten Jesus in His office. Let us in future never act without His counsel, never employ men to His dishonour, never listen to Satan when he would persuade us not to apply to, trust in, and expect advice from Jesus as our COUNSELLOR. He says, I will counsel thee, Mine eye shall be upon thee.”
I pray you will consider this wise counsel and depend upon Christ, the Chief Counselor who never fails. HDS
Lord, be my Counsellor,
My Pattern, and my Guide;
And through this desert land,
Still keep me near Thy side;
O let my feet ne’er run astray
Nor rove, nor seek the crooked way.
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
Humble, TX