I love to watch God use people. It is interesting and inspirational. It reminds me that there is hope even for a person like me. It assures me that I don’t have to be a failure in life, unless I choose to be. God is not limited by my limitations. If He could use Balaam’s ass to deliver a message He can use me(Num.22:28).
I doubt that any of you ever heard of Lee McDaniel–at least not the one I knew, but I’ll never forget him. Lee had been severely injured in the Korean war and had a steel plate in his head.He was a short stocky man and his speech had been affected by the injury. His mental abilities had also been affected and he was highly emotional. However, Lee loved children–to an extent that I’ve seldom if ever seen. In spite of all his “disabilities” Lee was heavily involved in children’s ministries. He could relate to children far better than most people and they responded to him. Those who think they must scream and yell at kids to get their attention could have learned a lot from Lee–he never raised his voice and he had them eating out of his hand. They knew he loved them and that made a world of difference.Among all the strange things Lee did, he whittled, and was quiet good at it. He would take an old piece of wood and whittle out a car or a toy and give it to some kid. He was always coming up with some unusual idea so he could witness to the children. I’ve often wondered how many people will be in heaven as a result of God using Lee McDaniel–many I’m sure.
I’ve known many people with abilities far greater than Bro. Lee who have done far less than he.Some are doing nothing by way of service to God. They could but they won’t. One of the most troubling things about being a pastor, or a parent, is watching people you love literally wasting their lives. Although possessing great ability and given numerous opportunities they have no interest in being used of God or being a blessing to other. In their mind it’s all about them and what they want to do. It always boils down to that doesn’t it? It’s always about our availability rather than our ability.
It’s heart-breaking to see people more concerned about gratifying the flesh than they are about glorifying the Father, more interested in entertaining self than exalting the Savior, more determined to satisfy themselves than surrendering to the Holy Spirit, more zealous searching for happiness than seeking holiness. What a waste! Such living is a tragedy that has eternal consequences. Not only are such people miserable here (if they are saved), they miss the rewards that await those who are faithful. Maybe not having a handicap is our biggest handicap. Maybe we would be better off if we didn’t have it so good and started looking for a reason to live. Think about it! – HDS, 4-26-12
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346