Does Anything Ever Turn Out Right?
An unknown writer said,”Picture with me, if you will, a man running through the wilderness being chased by a lion. He knows that if he is fast enough and dodges through enough thickets, that he could possibly elude the lion. Luckily, he does manage to elude the lion, only to be confronted by a bear. Again, he runs with all his speed and strength, realizing now that his only hope is to reach the safety of his house. Once again, he is successful and manages to elude the beast by reaching his house. He runs inside, slamming the door behind him and feeling pretty good about having overcome the obstacles of life. But, as he leans against the wall with his hand to catch his breath, he is bitten by a snake.
This was an actual illustration that God used in Amos 5:19 to show Israel the hopelessness of their situation.
We all have days and weeks like that, do we not? But are we like the woman who said that she had quit praying for patience because God might give her more? But God, being the wise and all-knowing Father that He is, will often give us what we need to grow healthy and spiritually strong, even though we do not ask for it—though He would like to hear us ask now and then. Children almost never ask for a bath, but we give it to them anyway, because we know that it will help them.”
Too many of us are like foolish old Jacob when he said,”all these things are against me.”(Gen.42:36), when in reality God was using his circumstances for his good. God is much wiser than we are–trust Him!- HDS
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346