Life’s Epitaph
“The memory of the just is blessed: But the name of the wicked shall rot.”Proverbs 10:7
We are all very busy — busy writing epitaphs. We do not let a day pass without doing something in this line, and we are all busy, not in writing epitaphs for others — but in writing our own. And we are making it very sure that people will read what we have written when we are gone. Shall we not be remembered? If not by many, we certainly shall by a few, and that remembrance we are making sure of, by the tenor of our lives. Our characters are the inscriptions we are making on the hearts of those who know, and who will survive us. We do not leave this office to others. We are doing it ourselves. Others might falsify and deceive by what they might say of us — but we are telling the truth. The actions of our passing life are facts visible, plain, undeniable. We engrave them on the mind of all observers. How interesting the question: What kind of epitaphs are we writing? Will they be read with joy or sorrow? Remember the epitaphs we write are not for the marble that tells where we lie — but for the memory of every one that knew us.–Anonymous,
They will bury your body but your influence will live on. Like an invisible hand with a long reaching out touching the lives of others. – HDS, 5-14-12
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346