Are You Really?
“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” James 1:22
Thankfully we have some men and women who are truly dedicated to the prayer ministry. Because of them we have the means to know the names of those in need of prayer. But we need to do more than read the list. We need to pray for one another as we are commanded to do. The question is, “Are you really praying?”
I love the story that Warren Wiersbe told many years ago. He said, “A congregation was singing, as a closing hymn, the familiar song, “For You I Am Praying.” The speaker turned to a man on the platform and asked quietly, “For whom are you praying?” The man was stunned. “Why, I guess I’m not praying for anybody. Why do you ask?” “Well, I just heard you say, ‘For you I am praying,’ and I thought you meant it,” the preacher replied. “Oh, no,” said the man. “I’m just singing.”
Pious talk! A religion of words! To paraphrase James 1:22, “We should be doers of the Word” as well as talkers of the Word. We must walk what we talk. It is not enough to know the language; we must also live the life. “If we say—” then we ought also to do!”
I can’t help but wonder if we actually do what we sing, preach, and pray about. If not then we are lying. And that’s a serious sin. When you see a need posted on Facebook or elsewhere and say “Praying” do you pause to pray? Are you really praying, or just pretending? It makes a difference. Think about it!- HDS
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346