“—-I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.” -Job 23:12
I read about a fellow who bought a book on healthy living and set out to live a more healthy lifestyle. Immediately he threw out any food that wasn’t on the designated list. He stopped eating anything green, because he read that they were associated with certain diseases. He rejected anything grown in the ground because he feared that pesticides and other chemicals would affect his health.
Although he didn’t have much of a selection he stuck to the rules stipulated in the diet. In a few weeks the man noticed a drastic drop in his energy level and other health related issues. In a state of confusion he went to the doctor. When the doc asked,”What do you eat each day?”, he explained his new diet. The doctor replied,”You cannot function on little or no food every day. You need food to feed your body.”
The same thing is true spiritually. When you deprive yourself of the nourishment derived from God’s Word your spiritual health will suffer, and that can affect you adversely in every other way. You simply cannot neglect God’s Word and remain spiritually healthy. So, how is your diet? Do you regularly feed on God’s Word? Do you spend quality time alone with God, drawing upon His strength? If not, why don’t you stop what you’re doing and plan a course of action. Set a time when you be alone and prayerfully consider what portion of God’s Word you will study. Then stick with it. You will be glad you did!
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
Humble, TX