Here’s some good advice. When you’re tempted to worry–don’t! Actually that is more than advice, it is a command from the Lord (Matt.6:34). Since it is a requirement it ought to be our rule. Regardless of how bad things get, and they will get bad, don’t break the rule. It might seem that the sky is falling, the earth is crumbling beneath your feet and the whole world is against you, but don’t worry.
Maybe you’re thinking the standard is too high–that surely there must be some exception to the rule, circumstances that justify worry, but there isn’t. Jesus could not be any clearer about it–“take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? or, what shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?—Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficent unto the day is the evil thereof.”(Matt.6:31,34). Paul says the same thing.”Be careful for nothing–“(Phil.4:6).
Why is it that we so often violate this command and then excuse ourselves when we do? For some reason we are intent on worrying, even when we know we are forbidden, and that we have many “exceeding great and precious promises” assuring us that our Father will supply our needs. Whatever the reason, we do ourselves a great dis-service when we worry. Worry takes the sparkle out of our eyes, the spring out of our step, the smile off our face, and the song out of our heart. It’s just not worth it. Maybe it will help if we look at it like this. We can put everything in two categories: things we can control and things we can’t control. If we can control it there is no need to worry–just do what needs to be done. If it’s something we can’t control–why worry. You can’t do anything about it. Worrying never does any good, but it can do a lot of harm–so don’t hurt yourself. Conquor these two areas and you’ve conquored all. I know, some will be quick to argue for their right to worry and will point out all kinds of reasons trying to justify their sin; things such as disappointments, injustices, misunderstandings, losses, pain etc., but the scriptures make no exceptions.
So what do we do when we sense worry rising up within us? The answer is found in 1 Peter 5:7, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”I know, that sounds so simple that some will refuse to take it seriously, but that’s the answer, the one and only answer. Our burdens are much too heavy for us to carry them alone–cast them upon the One who has all power in heaven and on earth. Trust Him. He never fails! – HDS, 4-3-09
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church.