Perceiving the potential of prayer should motivate us to pray as the Bible tells us to do. Here is a couple quotes that will instruct and inspire you.
Warren Wiersbe said, “Good Rule of Thumb for Effective Prayer – Prayer is not telling God what we want and then selfishly enjoying it. Prayer is asking God to use us to accomplish what He wants so that His name is glorified, His kingdom is extended and strengthened, and His will is done. I must test all of my personal requests by these overruling concerns if I expect God to hear and answer my prayers.”
Someone wrote:“What Prayer Has Done – Prayer has divided seas, rolled up flowing rivers, made flinty rocks gush into fountains, quenched flames of fire, muzzled lions, disarmed vipers and poisons, marshalled the stars against the wicked, stopped the course of the moon, arrested the sun in its rapid race, burst open iron gates, recalled souls from eternity, conquered the strongest devils, commanded legions of angels down from heaven. Prayer has bridled and chained the raging passions of man, and routed and destroyed vast armies of proud, daring, blustering atheists. Prayer has brought one man from the bottom of the sea, and carried another in a chariot of fire to heaven. What has not prayer done?”
We ought to pray as though everything depends on prayer, because it does!- HDS
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346