Thomas Brooks:“Time, like a river, carries us swiftly toward eternity–steer your soul well.”
“The wise man spends the year preparing for the day of judgment.”
Jonathan Edwards:“Resolved, never to do anything which I would be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life.”
“The best resolution is to die daily unto sin, and live wholly unto God.”
John Flavel:“The new year reminds us that time is a talent to be stewarded, not squandered.”
William Gurnall:“Every year brings fresh trials, but also fresh supplies of grace.”
Cotton Mather:“A new year is a renewed opportunity to glorify God, and mortify sin.”
“Each year spent without progress in grace, is a year wasted in vanity.”
John Owen:”The year is not your own, but lent to you by God. See that you spend it for His glory.”
“Our days will flee away quickly, but eternity presses ever nearer.”
Samuel Rutherford:“Every new year is a reminder that we are closer to meeting our King.”
“Begin the year by binding your heart more tightly to Christ’s cross.”
“The year ahead is a wilderness; walk it with the manna of God’s Word.”
“Heaven is nearer this year than last; let your soul be nearer too.”
Thomas Shepard:“As the year begins, so let your heart begin anew with holiness.”
“The year’s end is uncertain; live each day as if it were the last.”
Thomas Watson:“Time is a precious coin–spend it wisely on heavenly treasures.”
“A year begun in worldliness, is a year spent in wanton folly.”
“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”Ephesians 5:15-16
“So teach us to number our days, That we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”Psalm 90:12
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church