THE LESSON OF YOUR LIFE “So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia.”- 1 Thess. 1:7
Everyday people are sitting in judgment of Christ based on what they see in professing Christians. Sadly we often give the wrong impression. The following poem makes the point:
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Are read by more than a few,
But the one that is most read and commented on
Is the gospel according to you.
You are writing a gospel, a chapter each day
By the things that you do and the words that you say,
Men read what you write, whether faithless or true,
Say, what is the gospel according to you?
Do men read His truth and His love in your life?
Or has yours been too full of malice and strife?
Does your life speak of evil, or does it ring true?
Say, what is the gospel according to you?
We need to realize that our life is being observed by others everyday. What we do, what we say and our general attitude is being watched, and folks judge Christ and Christianity by what they see in us. As someone said, “You are the only Bible some people will ever read.” God forbid that we give out the wrong message. Let us so live that we can say with Paul,“For to me to live is Christ–“.(Phil. 1:21). — HDS
David Stone Lakeway Baptist Church 5801 FM 1960 E Humble, TX. 77346