Sunday school was full of meditation upon the miracles of Jesus.
Weeks 1,2, & 3 in Matthew ch8-9 overwhelmed us with the healing power of Jesus. He cleansed the leper, he healed the sick of the palsy, his touch cured a fever, he cast out demons, he gave sight to the blind. He continues to help lives today. He forgives you of your sins, he gives spiritual health, he heals broken hearts, gives peace to a troubled mind. How great it would be for young people to embrace the truth now from MARK 5:36 BE NOT AFRAID, ONLY BELIEVE. Teenager, you can trust the Lord!
Week 4: Matthew ch 10v1-25 had us sharing the apostles instructions and even though there are no apostles today, the Lords work is to be carried out through us, his disciples. He hasn’t passed along the power for us to heal, cleanse, raise, or cast out, but we can preach, be careful about importance of poosessions, and be positive in the midst of rejection. I trust that teenage disciples are being molded week by week.
Thank you to Josh for having the church over for the end of school pool party. A devotional on the patio was pretty cool & a priviledge to me.
Witnessing opportunities in the neighborhood have been great. In the midst of rejection there are those such as Paula, who in tears believed the Lord sent us by to see her.
Don’t forget VBS-June 25-29th & Camp July 30-Aug3rd