wSunday School lessons for the month : Matthew Chapter 4 v 12 -ch5 v 20
Week 1: Jesus said,”Follow me and I will make you fishers of me.” Peter, Andrew, James, & John put a new heavenly habit above their old human habits. They chose to follow the Lord and lead people to Christ. A great lesson for the teenagers to see the purpose of going door to door as they do to share their faith.
Week 2: The sermon on the Mount starting with the beatitudes: This lined out really neat as I studied them & I believe they got it. Our spiritual APPETITE is found in ch5v6..hungering and thirsting after righteousness, v3-5 shows our spiritual ATTITUDE- POOR IN SPIRIT, MOURNING, AND MEEKNESS. and v7-9 gives us the spiritual APPLICATION- MERCIFUL, PURE IN HEART, AND PEACEMAKER.
Week 3: We are the salt of the earth & the light of the world. I trust that the Lord made it clear to our young people that it’s not acceptable to be a silent christian. As they learn more about our great salvation I find that they don’t want to be quiet about it… Awesome group of young people!
Week 4: Jesus made known the importance of the law. We are no longer under the burden of the law showing us we’re guilty, but by the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we are able to obey it & please God.
Had a great movie night this month. ‘SEVEN DAYS IN UTOPIA’ was a great example of the forgiveness we can extend once we’re a child of God.