“Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously.” 1 Peter 2:23 Like a lot of folks, many of my problems were caused by me. I’ve been threatened, cursed, lied about, punched in the nose, etc. and it was all my fault. I brought it on myself. Naturally, that doesn’t excuse the other person, but the problem would never had happened had it not been for some wrong I had done. But, there have been times when I did nothing wrong to warrent such actions. That’s when it’s really difficult to deal with. That’s when hard to not retaliate. In such instances it helps to think about Christ. Nobody ever suffered such cruel injustice as Jesus did, yet He refused to retaliate. He did not stoop to their level. That is our blessed example. Jesus is perfect in every way, yet He was hated, despised, and crucified. We too can expect injustice and suffering—it is the heritage of all humans. You can’t stop that. But, we do have a choice when it comes to the manner in which we respond. With God’s help, we can do what Jesus did. Don’t let others prod you into a fight. Everyone concerned will be better off, and God will be pleased, if you “take it patiently”(1 Peter 2:20). Just leave it with God—vengeance is His alone (Romans 12:17-19). ——–HDS Don’t be like the bee that destroys itself for the sake of stinging others