“—I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”-Philippians 4:11 A great Italian who was renowned for his cheerful endurance of trial, when asked how he had learned such patience replied: “First, I look within me, then without me, afterwards beneath me, and last of all, above me.” He looked within and saw such guilt and unworthiness that whatever blessings balanced his afflictions, they were more than he deserved. He looked without and saw those who had far many more problems than himself, and this made every complaint a piece of sore ingratitude to him. He looked beneath and saw the earth, into which his body would soon be lowered, and when all of life’s trials would be over once and for all. He looked above and saw by faith his home in Heaven, and this made the light affliction but for a moment, not worthy to be compared with the glory waiting to be revealed. The fourfold look silenced all murmuring, and produced calm submission to God’s will.