“—I hated life—” –Ecclesiastes 2:17 You might expect to hear those words from someone who is down and out, someone who has been neglected, abused, or tortured. But these words came from the lips of a man who seemingly had it all. No one was richer, wiser, or more powerful than Solomon. From a worldly point of view, he was a success in every sense of the word. But he was miserable. Now, if that could happen to him, it can happen to the person who has suffered some horrible injustice. That someone might even be you. Lots of people wish the world was different. Why not? That would be nice. But it isn’t. Planet earth is a difficult place to live and it is easy to get discouraged. It might surprise you, but God isn’t all that pleased with the conditions on earth.”God is angry with the wicked every day.”(Psalm 7:11). Why not? You can’t even begin to understand how God has suffered because of the sinfulness of the world. Yet He did not give up on it. You better be glad He didn’t! As bad as the world is God loves it to such an extent that He gave His only begotten Son for it. There’s nothing selfish about God. There shouldn’t be anything selfish about us either. God doesn’t want us to get bitter and give up on life. He has great things in store for those who don’t. We live in the midst of people who will die and spend eternity in hell unless they hear the gospel. It is our job to tell them. It is pure selfishness to give up on life. Don’t allow your problems to deter you from God’s plan for your life. Give yourself fully to the pursuit of your God given purpose and you will no longer hate life. You will find a peace and satisfaction you never thought was possible. Love life—it is a gift from God!