Some people just don’t get it. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about: After dinner on Mother’s Day a mother was washing the dishes when her teenage daughter wandered into the kitchen. Horrified to see her mother at the sink, she exclaimed, “Oh, Mama, you shouldn’t have to do dishes on Mother’s Day.” The mother was touched by this seeming thoughtfulness and was about to take off her apron and give it to her daughter when the daughter added,” They’ll keep till tomorrow.” Sadly, that’s about as far as some go when it comes to honoring their mother. All they think about is what mom can do for them. They think it unreasonable to reciprocate. They are like the little girl who was looking at a picture of her mom and dad on their wedding day. She asked her father,”Daddy, is that the day you got mom to come to work for us?” The wonder of it all is that mothers love them anyway! You’ve got to admit–Mother’s are amazing!