“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever.” (2 Peter 3:18)
Growth is an evidence of life. We see it in plants, animals, and people. Even so, as believers we are to grow spiritually. Since none of us have attained complete Christlikeness there is always room for growth and we should be doing those things that promote it.
We often talk about backslidders and we usually do so with some particular sin in mind.But my favorite definition of a backslidder is this—someone who has ceased to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Christ. Regardless of how long you’ve been saved, or how much you know, or how much you do or give, there is always room for growth. None of us should be at a standstill.This desire for growth is evidenced again and again in Paul’s desire for himself and for others. Should we not have the same hunger for it also?
If they would be honest, many would have to admitt that their spiritual life plateaued several years ago. After receiving Christ there was a spurt of growth, but then they levelled off. They still attend church and do other things associated with Christianity, but they are not growing. If that describes you—admit it and take the necessary steps to change it. Growth not only makes us more useful, it enables us to overcome sin and to enjoy the fulness of God’s blessings.