One man used to play tennis quite a lot. He wasn’t very good, but he was always open to anything that could help him. One day he was watching a match on TV, and saw a commercial advertising the Wilson T-2000 metal racquet. It showed Jimmy Connors making a lot of fancy shots while a hidden narrator said, “If the Wilson T-2000 could win Wimbledon and Forest Hills, it could certainly handle my little matches.”
So he played with one all that summer. And he lost all summer. That racquet didn’t do anything for him. The truth is, the Wilson T-2000 didn’t win Wimbledon or Forest Hills. Jimmy Connors did—using the Wilson T-2000. When the fans walked away from the match that day, they didn’t talk about what a great racquet the Wilson T-2000 was; they talked about what a great player Jimmy Connors was. And the prize check was made out to Jimmy Connors and not to you-know-what.
Now in tennis, a racquet is essential—but it isn’t the racquet that wins. It’s the champion who wins, using the racquet. In the doing of works and greater works, Jesus is the champion and we are the racquet in His hands.