Years ago, I am told, an old organist sat at his bench playing the instrument for the final time. He was a good organist and had served the church faithfully and well. Now a new organist was to come and the old organist wanted to step aside with dignity and grace. He struck the last chord, closed the instrument, locked it, and placed the key in his pocket. He then made his way to the rear of the church.
There, eagerness flashing in his eyes, the young organist was waiting for him. He asked for the key and, after a moment’s pause, he raced to the organ, opened it, and began to play. The old organist had played with precision the notes before him, but this new organist played with a depth of soul and feeling that brought tears even to the eyes of the retiring organist. Reports of his artistry spread by word of mouth, and soon people came from miles around to hear him strike the keys of the console.
This new organist was a master at his craft; to that, the ear and the soul would abidingly attest. He was, in fact, none other than Johann Sebastian Bach. As the old organist left the church he thought to himself: “Just suppose I had not given the master the key!”(copied)
Even so, dear friend you will never experience what God can do in your life until you give Him the key. What you can do cannot even be compared to the “music” the Master can make in your life. He is waiting for you to give Him the key!