Have you ever tried to picture what life would be like without the U. S. military? A few words come to mind: insecurity, vulnerability, fear. The fact is that we would not survive as a nation without our military men and women because no matter how sincere some leaders are in their efforts to deal peaceably with the enemy, there will always be another country ready to bring a fight to our front door. We cannot rid the world of enemies simply by avoiding them; we must have a defense in place.
The same is true of our Christian faith; we must be prepared for opposition from our enemy, Satan, because he is ready to wage war on us at any given moment, especially when God is really working in our lives. And just as our brave men and women in uniform are trained and ready to meet this country’s opposition head on, we must spend time training in the Word, learning how to defend and protect ourselves against the wiles of the Devil.
It’s like the Roman strategist, Flavius Vegetius, said, “Let him who desires peace prepare for war.” So, put on the armor of God and gear up! —–From Turning Point