“—-they are without excuse.”–Romans 1:20 (read vs.18-24) Do you remember the song that says “Excuses, excuses, you hear them every day.”? We sure do! Several years ago a famous actor filed for bankruptcy. After making millions he was flat broke. He blamed it on “fast women and slow horses.” Another “entertainer” became famous for saying,”The devil made me do it.” The excuses go on and on. This isn’t anything new. Man has been making excuses since the first man. Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the serpent. And so the story goes. We just keep blaming others and ,sadly, most people don’t see the need to stop. Making excuses seems to be in our system. Excuses are foolish–we are each responsible for our actions. Excuses get easier and easier–we end up deceiving ourself. Excuses are dangerous–they keep us from dealing with the real problem. Even God can’t help the person who keeps making excuses. Until we see ourself as God sees us we don’t stand a chance of getting things right. We simply have to get honest about our condition and stop making excuses. Man’s ultimate folly is that, although he knows there is a God, he refuses to recognize Him as such. The creature denies his Creator. That explains why the world is in its present sinful condition. Instead of embracing the truth he suppresses it and makes excuses. But God says,”they are without excuse.” Maybe it’s time you got honest about your life and stopped making excuses. Things won’t get any better until you do. “An excuse is the skin of reason stuffed with a lie”