“—he was marvellously helped, till he was strong. But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction: for he transgressed against the LORD his God–“ –2 Chronicles 26:15-16 There’s an old Greek story of a soldier who was suffering from a painful and deadly disease. His sickness was so serious, the doctors feared that he would soon die. The soldier, however, was a brave man. When going into battle, he was always the first to charge, for he had no fear of dying. Feeling he had nothing to lose, but the pain that tormented him, he courageously confronted the enemy. Seeing his great bravery, his commander made arrangements for the doctors to treat his disease and he was miraculously healed. But this change brought about another—the soldier no longer displayed courage in battle. Instead, he sought a life of ease and comfort—concerned only about his life and welfare. The same thing often happens to God’s people. When confronted with great danger or difficult problems they turn to the Lord and find strength, but when all is well they relax and become complacent. Their focus shifts from their duty to their desires. In their prosperity they begin to feel the need to protect and please themselves, rather than engage themselves in the rigors of duty. They become complacent rather than committed and courageous. Now, unknowingly, they are in greater danger than before. Safety is found only in the pathway of duty. Christians are in the greatest danger of their life when they desert their post of duty to pamper and please themselves. The safest place on earth is in the center of God’s will. Take care of your duty and God will take care of your death