Last Friday night/ Saturday morning hurricane Ike roared through Houston-Galveston, etc. leaving a path of destruction and broken hearts in it’s wake. You’ve heard the news so I won’t rehash the details. I’m sure we will hear more stories for months to come and folks will still be talking about Ike long after we are dead and gone. The question that comes to my mind is—what will we learn from this experience?
I read about a preacher who said that trials are like a washing machine—“You have to let the machine run its course in order for the clothes to be completely cleaned. No matter how badly you feel for the clothes as you watch them being spun around, soaked, and covered in soap, you don’t remove them from the machine until all the cycles are through.”
That’s a good analogy. Life is rough and tough. We all find ourselves in situations we wish we could have avoided or that we could escape from. The problem is –we ain’t running the show! Regardless of how hard we try there are some things that we can’t control or change. We are forced to go through the various cycles until the mission is accomplished. Although we don’t always understand exactly how God will use our trials, we have the blessed assurance that He, who is all wise and ever loving, has a plan. Ephesians 1:11 tells us that God “worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:” So when your world is turned up-side down and you are being tossed about, battered and bruised, seemingly without reason, just remember God is in control and He has a good purpose for your trials. Think about it!
—David Stone 9/17/2008
Hello Houston. We Got A Hurricane!
Hello Houston! We Got a Hurricane!
Barring a miracle, Houstonians are about to get hammered by a hurricane. Some folks are headed for the hills and some are battening down the hatch to ride it out. Everyone is a bit nervous.
In recent years there has been a lot of questions about storms, and a lot of silly ideas. Some blame it all on “natural causes”, removing God entirely from the equation. Others attribute it all to God’s anger, presuming that He is punishing sinful people. So what’s the answer?
Although many aren’t comfortable in pointing to God as the primary cause, the fact is He is. The Bible is very clear about the fact that God is in control of the weather. Nahum 1:3 says, “the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.” Psalms 135:6-7 says, “Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did he in heaven, and in the earth, in the seas, and all deep places. He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain; he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries.” So, like it or not, God is in control.
The truth of this is absolute, amazing, awesome, and advantageous—if we view from the proper perspective. Where we get into trouble is when we assume that we know why God does what He does. The fact is that we don’t usually know the reason for God’s actions and He isn’t obligated to tell us. What we do know is that God always has a good reason for what He does.
- It might be for the sake of demonstrating His power ( Ex. 9:14-16; 14:31)
- It might be to awaken folks to see their need of God.
- It might be to punish evildoers.
- It might be to test and strengthen the faith of believers.
- It might be for the sake of giving Christians an opportunity to manifest love by ministering to others.
Although we don’t know the exact reason why God allows catastrophes, we can take comfort in knowing that He does so for a purpose. God is working out a plan and, although we can’t see the finished product, we know it will be fulfilled. God devoted one entire book of the Bible, the book of Job, to this—It’s better to trust God than to try to understand Him. Think about it. Hang on Houston!
A Lot to be Thankful For
We Americans have a lot to be thankful for—guess you’ve heard that before, but we need to be reminded. I’ve often wondered why I was born in the good old USA instead of some “Third world” country, being forced to eat out of a garbage dump and sleeping on the floor. I guess I could say, ”because God is good”, but that doesn’t explain it. God is good regardless of where we’re born or what the circumstances are. We can only attribute our birth- place and our blessings to the providence of God. Regardless of the case, we’ve got a lot to be thankful for.
Seven years ago our beloved nation suffered a devastating blow from our enemies. A lot has ensued since that dreadful day. We sent our young men and women off to war in an effort to take the fight to our enemies, rather than giving them free course to strike again. With all the ,“Bush bashing” that takes place I believe we need to give credit where credit I due. I certainly don’t agree with our president on everything, but I deeply appreciate the good he has done. We haven’t had an attack on our home front for seven years. We also over threw a dictator, liberated a nation, and established a democracy. How can we not be thankful for that?
I’m fed up with all the bellyaching because the economy takes a dip, etc. Instead of complaining we should thank God that we have it better than any place on earth and a president who has the guts to buck the tide of public opinion and do what’s needed instead of what’s popular. I don’t know what history will record about his presidency, but as one who lived through it I say “THANKS!”
Our nation faces a lot of uncertainties and challenges. Our future is uncertain, but God is still on His throne and He has a plan. Let us stop complaining about our circumstances—they could be a lot worse. As we observe the anniversary of 9-11 let us pause to thank God for our blessings. After all, we have a lot to be thankful for. Think about it!
Getting Ready for the Election
Getting Ready For The Election
The presidential election will be here before you know it and now’s the time to prepare. As we think about getting ready for the election there are four things that we need to do.
We can’t make an intelligent decision unless we know the facts. Instead of listening to the rhetoric, the polls, and the liberal press we should consider the candidates character and their record. Sadly many people will vote on a whim, kind of like flipping a coin. Some will base their vote on the candidate’s personality-“ He just seems like a nice person, etc.” Some will vote based on the advice of others. Some will vote out of blind loyalty to a particular party. But the wise person will consider all the facts and base his choice on them. The wise voter also realizes that everything is not of equal importance. He understands the difference between right and wrong, what is good and what is best, and he votes accordingly.
We all have a circle of friends and we need to share the facts with them. I realize that some folks get all bent-out-of-shape when you talk about politics and we have to use wisdom. But the election of a president is too important for us to remain silent. Everyone won’t be open to discuss this matter with, but some will and we need to take advantage of our opportunities. You can be sure that the proponents of evil will not be silent, neither should those who contend for righteousness.
None of us are as smart as we think we are. Believing you know the facts doesn’t mean that you do. You can be sincere and be wrong. We need God’s help and every Christian should pray for wisdom and that God’s will be done. If we fail to pray we are sure to fail. We are involved in a spiritual warfare and nothing short of prayer will enable us to prevail. Our nation is spiritually sick and only by turning to God can we be healed (I Chron. 7:14).
Being a citizen of the United States is a great privilege and an awesome responsibility. It is shameful that people reap all the benefits of living in America and then refuse to vote. Those who do such have no right to complain when the results turn out bad! God has given us the wonderful freedom to take a part in electing our leaders and we ought not take it lightly. He will hold us accountable for our actions. The up-coming presidential election just might be the most important one ever. We can’t afford to just sit back and hope things will turn out for the best. Get the facts, get the word out, get on your knees, and then get to the polls and vote!