In this case I should say,”Thinking About It”, because that’s all I can do.
Today, March 12, 2025, would have been the 65th anniversary for Bev and I. Before she went home to be with the Lord on Jan,6th we were looking forward to this day, but God had other plans.
We were married on Mar.12, 1960, so for the rest of my life this date will continue to be special to me. After the first six years of me making our marriage miserable for her, I received Christ as my Savior on Aug.14, 1966, and we enjoyed a wonderful life together. Then God called her home.
Having lost both of my parents, a daughter, a sister, and numerous friends, I thought I knew what grief was like. But I never experienced anything like Bev’s death. I miss her every minute of every day.
I called her “Lady” because she was truly a lady. I called her “Babydoll”when I was expressing my affection for her. I called her “Little Miss Detail” when I was teasing her. When I was going somewhere I always told her “I love you” and gave her a kiss or blew her a kiss when she was leaving in the car. But she was much more to me than words can describe. I love her more than anything on earth.
Now that she is gone I catch myself thinking I hear her voice. I have often started to call out a question to her before it dawned on me that she isn’t here. And now I’m blowing kisses at her picture on the dresser. I suspect I’ll be doing these things the rest of my life. But thank God for the memories.
Missing her makes me miserable, but I’m learning to deal with it by reminding myself of all the great years we had together. Having enjoyed those blessings I have no right to complain. The other thing that helps me is knowing I will see her again. God’s people never meet for the last time. So, knowing I’m going to be with Christ assures me that I will see my Lady again and that keeps me going with gladness, rather than groaning with sadness.
I’m glad because I had the privilege of being married to a virtuous woman, a help-meet, a lady whose value is far above rubies, a wife who is deserving of honor. And I’m glad that someday, maybe soon, I will be reunited with her forever. Until then I live with the precious memories of a woman who loved Christ more than me. It doesn’t get any better than that. As the song says, she’s always on my mind. So, I’m thinking about it everyday. I am blessed! HDS