“— my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.”- Psalm 73:2
One of the best lessons we can learn, and the sooner the better, is that we are always on dangerous ground. As a preacher of old well said:
“We may fall into sin — even when we cannot fall into hell.
We may break our bones — when we cannot break our neck.
We may make sad work for repentance — when we do not incur a sentence of final condemnation.
We are liable to fall by error — which is specious and powerful.
We are liable to fall by Satan — who is crafty and malicious.
We are liable to fall by our weakness — which is very great.
We are liable to fall by sinful pleasures — in which the flesh takes delight.
We are liable to fall by our unhallowed tempers — which need constant watchfulness and incessant prayer.
We are liable to fall by erroneous people — who may, like Satan, lie in wait to deceive us.” (James Smith, 1865)
Being on such dangerous ground we are in constant need. We better be ready! We need more than a strong resolve, sincere effort, or great ability. We need divine assistance. We need what God alone can provide. Thankfully that is exactly what we are promised— He keeps the feet of His saints. Let this then be our prayer–“Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually”.(Psalm 119:117)- HDS, 6-23-12
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346