And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.–Luke 9:23-24 As you well know, most people are always looking for the easy way out. They want the crown without the cross, the blessing without the burden. But, when it comes to discipleship there is no easy way out, it is costly! The demands of dicipleship cost the same today as it did when Jesus walked the earth—everything. But it is worth it. J.R. Miller wrote: We are strongly tempted, in these luxurious days-to seek out the easy ways in life. Naturally we are not fond of bearing heavy burdens, of performing hard tasks, of making self-denials. We prefer to be indolent. Not many people die of overwork; more die of laziness. Souls are withered, too, by self-indulgence. It is a false idea that God has sown his blessings thickest. amid the flowers of earth’s gardens; nay, they lie thickest on the bare fields of hardship and toil. In shrinking from self-denials called for in the path of duty-we are missing the best things God has to give us.
My help cometh from the LORD which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved.–Psalm 121:2-3 While we need to think about the source of our strength, we also need to think about the strength of our source. God has the power to create and control all of creation! Wow! Who can comprehend that. Being able to that, your problem is no problem to God. The phrase,”He will not suffer thy foot to be moved” isn’t as meaningful to us as it was to folks in those days. We don’t travel much by foot and when we do it is usually on smooth surfaces rather than rugged terrain. In those days and in those places travellers faced many difficult and dangerous situatons, where one slip could result in death. But, although our circustances are different, we need the same help they needed. As we walk the pathway of life we are in constant danger and continual need of help. We are always liable to fall at any moment unless the Lord helps us. It is only through His power that we can stand fast. Dear friend, be encouraged today. Walk with the Lord and He will sustain you in every possible situation. He never slumbers or sleeps. He is always alert, aware of your need, and able to help. If He can create and control the sun. moon, and stars He can take care of you. If He cares for the sparrow that falls, He cares much more for His children. The strength of our source assures us that no problem is too big for God.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD which made heaven and earth.” –Psalm 121:1-2 I have read these words numerous times while standing at the grave side trying to comfort troubled families. The truth here is appropriate at the grave side or any place else, or in any situation. We are never without need of help. Jerusalem was unlike the other national capitals in that day. It was not located on a large river like Babylon. It didn’t have a harbor like Tyre and Sidon. It wasn’t even on the main highway. What Jerusalem had was hills. It stood on a rocky plateau 2,550 feet above the Mediterranean Sea and 3,800 feet above the Dead Sea. To the Jews the elevation of Jerusalem was a picture of safety, not only because of it’s height, but also because of it’s relation to Jehovah. Weary pilgrims traveling there to worship were greatly encouraged when the hills of their homeland came into view. Although we don’t put our trust in a city or a nation, we too need to lift up our eyes. Satan would have us to look back at our failures and be discouraged, or look around and be distracted, or to look down in despair because of our difficulties, but we need to look up. Our help “cometh from the LORD”. Our Helper is the One who made the hills. His power is unequaled and unlimited. He who has the power to create and control everything is our Helper, the source of our strength. Whatever situation you are forced to face today God is sufficent to able to give you the victory.
And be not conformed to this world—–Romans 12:2 Someone said that the literal meaning of this phrase is,”Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mold”. We need to think about that. As you know, we are under constant pressure to conform to the culture around us. Sadly, many are caving in. Studies show that there is almost no difference in the behavior of non-Christians and professing Christians today. That’s sad indeed. Instead of being agents of change in the world many are being changed by the world. We need to guard against that! This story from Elie Wiesel, a Jewish novelist and Holocaust survivor, makes a great point:
“A just man comes to Sodom hoping to save the city. He pickets. What else can he do? He goes from street to street, from marketplace to marketplace, shouting, ‘Men and women, repent. What you are doing is wrong. It will kill you; it will destroy you!’
“They laugh, but he goes on shouting, until one day, a child stops him. ‘Poor stranger, don’t you see it’s useless?’
“‘Yes,’ the just man replies.
“‘Then why do you go on?’ the child asks.
“‘I was convinced that I would change them. Now I go on shouting because I don’t want them to change me.’
It’s like this folks—if you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything. Instead of being silenced by the critics who tell us we must be politically correct and the compromisers who warn us about “hate crimes” we need to speak out against the corruption that is in the world today. We are to be “salt” and “light” so we are duty bound to affect the world for good. Have you taken your stand? Are you willing to buck the tide of public opinion and speak out for Christ. If you don’t you just might become a victim. Even if it seems useless we have an obligation to stand-up and speak-out.We are to please Christ, not the world. Remember—-The world’s smile is more dangerous than its frown!
For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile.”–1 Peter 3:10 I ended yesterday’s devotion by saying,”Have a good day”, but what is a good day? What does a “good day” mean to you? Some folks think about a good day as a day without pain, or problems,etc., but if that’s the criteria we use most of us would never have a good day. Even as I write this every joint in my body hurts and all of my problems haven’t vanished. So must I rule out the possibility of having a good day? I don’t think so. I really believe this can be a good day, even if bad things happen. I’m of the opinion that a good day is any day that God is pleased with my attitude and actions. While the day might not be good in a lot of ways, I can always please God and find pleasure in Him. So can you. Everyone can have a good day. In 1 Peter 3:8-9, Peter speaks of the good we should do and at the end of verse 9 he speaks of the good we will inherit by doing it. Think about this. To have a good day, to live a good life, to experience God’s greatest blessings, etc. we must be willing to do God’s will. Surely no Christian would argue with that. And, never forget, God’s will is always right, always best, and always safest. Do you believe that? So what would it take for you to have a good day? What would it take for you to get into God’s will? What would you have to do? What would you have to stop doing? Think about it. This is not some minor matter. We’re talking about God’s will! Absolutely nothing is more important than that. Now—you have a good day. You can do it!