“A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly- – –” Prov. 18:24
Someone said, ” Friendship is a principle of mutual interchange and mutual sacrifice. There can be no one-sidedness, no selfish engrossment, no taking without giving. Selfishness is the death of social reciprocity and sympathy.” I mention this because a lot of folks don’t understand. They don’t actually want a friendship. When they talk about wanting a friend, what they actually mean is that they want someone to fawn over them, make them feel good, and do them favors. They want a benefactor, not a friend. They want it to be all get and no give. They want to be cherished without any contribution on their part. They want to be blessed without being a blessing. In other words —-“Bless me, but don’t bother me. Leave me alone unless you are helping me”. That’s not friendship! And that’s why you don’t have any friends.
It is proper and wise to want friends. Being social beings we all need them, so it is well and good to desire them. We need one another, but that need will never be met unless you get concerned about meeting the needs of others. Wait a minute— Isn’t that exactly what every Christian ought to be doing? As Paul said, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”(Phil. 2:4). Do that and you will have all the friends you need. One last word of advice—I’ve discovered that it is better to have a few true friends than to have a thousand so-called friends. Don’t confuse popularity with friendship. Be a friend and you will have a friend. – HDS (revised from 6/13/14)
David Stone
Lakeway Baptist Church
5801 FM 1960 E
Humble, TX. 77346