Do we really understand when we say “Bless me, God?”
The word for bless in the Greek New Testament is eulogéo, which means to speak well of.
We are really quite daring when we ask God to speak well of us. When we bless God we are eulogizing or speaking well of Him, and He indeed is worthy of being well spoken of. But how dare we ask Him to speak well of us? In the Bible, God’s words are God’s actions. The Lord created the world with His word. So when we ask God to speak well of us, it is the same as asking Him to act in our lives.
So many of us have the wrong idea about the blessing of God. We have a tendency to believe that God should hold a rubber stamp and automatically approve our plans.
“How can you look so pleasant tonight?” a man asked his friend. “You have had a score of interruptions this afternoon, when you had plans to accomplish so much.” “That is all right,” was the answer. “Every morning I give my day to Christ. I take what He sends. These interruptions came in the way of duty. Why should I complain about the service He has appointed?”
Would you really ask God to bless you if you knew that He might interrupt your planning?