“–I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.”( Job 23:12)
William Wilberforce wrote,” I must secure more time for private devotions. I have been living far too public for me. The shorting of devotions starves the soul, it grows lean and faint. I have been keeping too late hours.”
Here was a man overwhelmed by the busyness of his position. Yet he understood that a victorious life depended upon a regular diet of God’s Word. And he was determined to do make time for it.
What about you? Are you so busy that you neglect to feed your soul? We cannot expect to live a vibrant Christian life if we are spiritually malnourished. Temptations become stronger, will- power becomes weaker, and staying power lessens when we fail to feed on God’s Word. Proper priorities demand that we put God first and nothing is more important in our relationship with God than the nourishment we receive from His Word. If you are too busy to read and study the Bible you are just too busy! Turn off the TV. Disconnect the phone. Put down the newspaper. And pick up the Bible. Better to miss breakfast than to ignore the Bible.