“A wise man will hear, and increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels.”–Proverbs 1:5 If the truth be known, you know very few people who are true students of the Bible. Even many Sunday School do not fit into that category. Most church members would rather read what someone wrote about the Bible than to read the Bible itself. Now, I’m not against reading good books, commentaries, and dictionaries, etc., but none of these can take the place of the Bible. Some people read daily devotionals and books from the latest best-sellers list, but they don’t spend five minutes a day reading God’s Word. And, out of those who do read the Bible regularly only a very few really study it. It’s no wonder that they are spiritually malnourished, weak and susceptible to sin. They are starving themselves. They feed on junk food rather than the milk and meat of the Word. Listen, serious Bible study is not just for preachers and teachers, it is the duty and should be the delight of every Christian. You will never become the person God wants you to be without it. We have only so much time—don’t use all your time studying resources about the Bible, study the Bible itself. J. I. Packer said, “If I were the devil, one of my first aims would be to stop folk from digging into the Bible.” Sadly that is exactly what he has done in the lives of many and, oddly enough he has even used “Christian literature” to do it. “The treasures of the Word of God are great beyond compare; But if we do not search them out, We cannot use what’s there.” -author unknown